Zandvoort Beach for Amsterdam

May holiday in Zandvoort

May in Zandvoort is perfect for a great, short holiday at the beach. Zandvoort offers all you need for the best May holidays! Do you want to stay in a comfortable hotel or a cozy Bed &Breakfast? Everything is possible in Zandvoort! Don’t be late booking your May holidays in Zandvoort at the Zandvoort Tourist Information, so you’ll have plenty of choice.

Activities during the May school holidays in Zandvoort

A fun holiday in May with the whole family? Stay in a holiday home! Book your accommodation in Zandvoort in May at the Zandvoort Tourist Information. You can combine your stay in May in Zandvoort with fun activities on the beach or with wonderful wellness deals, like a visit to the sauna.

May is a popular month for weddings. In Zandvoort, you can get married by the sea! A number of beach pavilions offer the opportunity. But you can also just have a lovely dinner with a sea view and your feet in the sand.

Because each season has its own charm, you can also choose to visit our great town at another time of year. Why not celebrate Christmas by the sea or enjoy the budding nature at Easter.